Navigating the New Year: Setting Law School Goals and Resolutions

Hi all!
I’m a 2L student attending an Ontario law school. I decided to start 2024 off by setting some law school New Year’s resolutions. I’ve always found semester two particularly hard to get back into the rhythm of school. After December exams, the first week of winter break feels like recovering from the fall semester, the second week is usually busy catching up with family and friends, and just as you’re beginning to really relax in the third week, you realize class starts again on Monday.

To start semester two off on the right foot, I’ve been reflecting on the things I did (or didn’t do) in previous semesters that I wish I had done and am setting those things as my 2024 resolutions. If any of these things resonate with you, I’m happy to have your company in keeping these resolutions!

Resolution 1: Create a Reading Schedule

Without question, the task I struggle with most in law school is doing all my course readings. I keep up with them until my first really busy week and then I unintentionally shift it lower on my list of priorities. I always regret this as the term progresses and I feel I can’t catch up. I’m an organized person by nature and never used to plan my day out in hourly chunks to get stuff done. After 1L, I had to accept that I wasn’t going to get readings done by keeping a mental list!

My resolution for this year is to create a system to help me stay on top of my readings. I’ve created a spreadsheet with a tab for each week of the term, and in each weekly tab, I listed the readings for my five courses. This can look intimidating, so colour coordination helps! I also created two additional columns: one next to each of the readings where I can mark it “complete,” “in progress,” or “incomplete,” and another column where I log when and how much time I am allocating to each set of readings.

I’m looking forward to this keeping me in step with my readings this semester.

Resolution 2: Consistently Create Weekly To-do Lists

An important resolution for me this term is to create weekly to-do lists. I’ve done this inconsistently in the past, and I’ve learned that creating a list makes me feel better as the week progresses. So, every week, suspiciously just before the Sunday night blues hit, I’m going to write a to-do list for the upcoming week.

I’ve also found that to-do lists help me avoid procrastination. Having a visual representation of what I need to do helps me work away at things piece by piece. I avoid thought processes where I think I can finish it all later. Bonus: I love being able to check tasks off a list!

This year, I’m also going to include non-school items on my lists. Including things like getting groceries or working out may seem like a given, but it’s so easy to put those things at the back of the line.

Resolution 3: I Hate to Do It… Outline!

I would love to be a person who consistently outlines throughout the term. Each term, I start outlining but drop it after a couple of weeks when things get busy. I look to a few of my friends with envy at the end of November when they have beautiful and complete outlines. Despite my lack of outlining, I’ve always done well in exams (don’t panic!), but I would really like to buy myself a few days of study time in April by having completed outlines throughout the year. I’m resolved to update my course outlines every other week this semester. Weekly updates to my outlines are too frequent for me, and a personal 2024 resolution of mine is to make realistic resolutions!

As I was read through my course syllabi to create my reading schedule, I also created outline shells for each of my courses. This gives me a good overall picture of my courses in the term ahead. I noted the weeks where I have a lighter load and blocked off periods of time in those weeks as outlining time (roughly every other week). I have more than once fallen into a “it’s a lighter week so I’m just going to take it easy” trap, which I regret once things inevitably get busy in the following weeks. Consistency is key.

Resolution 4: Continue to Make Time for People and Things I Enjoy

Something I’ve been pretty good at doing throughout law school is making time for other things in my life that are important to me. I slipped on this a bit last semester and felt it, so I want to make a resolution to recommit doing other things that make me happy. This is important enough to me that I’m willing to accept that it might mean less time for impending academic commitments. I always get everything done either way!

Sometimes, these things aren’t “fun” in the sense of going out with friends, but they are important for my overall health. I take time to clean my apartment, do laundry, go to the gym, or cook meals. I also love to play instruments and read novels. I joined a book club the summer before law school, and I have really appreciated being committed to doing reading outside of casebooks and articles. I’m excited to continue to commit to a rich, personal life as the year progresses.

Reflecting on this post, it seems as though my overarching 2024 law school New Year’s resolutions are being consistent and organized. Two things I know I can be. I’m looking forward to the semester ahead and hope you are too. Good luck with your own resolutions—it’s never too late to create new habits!
Happy New Year!
